You passed 1 level in %time% %seconds%!
You only got 1 out of 8 correct. Try again!
You passed 2 levels in %time% %seconds%!
You only got 2 out of 8 correct. Try again!
You passed 3 levels in %time% %seconds%!
You only got 3 out of 8 correct. Try again!
You passed 4 levels in %time% %seconds%!
You only got 4 out of 8 correct. Try again!
You passed 5 levels in %time% %seconds%!
You only got 5 out of 8 correct. Try again!
You passed 6 levels in %time% %seconds%!
You only got 6 out of 8 correct. Try again!
You passed 7 levels in %time% %seconds%!
You only got 7 out of 8 correct. Try again!
You passed 8 levels in %time% %seconds%!
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What did you do this week to train your brain? Put your talents to the test by finding the odd one out as quickly as you can.
Time: 6:00
Time: 8:00
Time: 10:00
Time: 12:00
Time: 14:00
Time: 16:00
Time: 18:00
Time: 20:00